Monday, April 23, 2012

Healing Hearts on Mother's Day

This Mother's Day... what might it look like if we are ALL mindful of the brokenhearted mamas? 

In the midst of so much celebration, there are also those that experience tremendous grief, heartache and despair. 
I encourage you to make a CHOICE to be BOLD in LOVE and reconcile GRIEF, ANGER, DENIAL, DEPRESSION & SHAME.   
This VERY impactful post gripped me... it shows this picture, the precious feet of the baby she has lost...Infant Loss at 41 weeks , sure she has 2 boys, but it really doesn't matter, she lost her baby girl, she LOST a CHILD, her hope and dreams, part of her soul, there is no replacement EVER.  I'm SO encouraged by Birth Without Fear Blog this awesome site which empowers women to choose to be educated not afraid of birth and share their story, no matter what they choose or what their birth entails- it's their own! 
About 1 in 3 women (see statistics here) from the American Pregnacy Association will experience loss during pregnancy.  Whether miscarriage or stillbirth; the odds are high that someone in your circle of influence will feel this pain.  Stop and think.  How many do you know? 
Can you imagine if Mother's Day EMPOWERS healing in the hearts of ALL moms? 
Can you imagine... IF we give EVERY mom we KNOW who has EVER experienced child grief- from infertility, to birth loss OR even special needs children (for there is sadness of broken motherhood dreams)... a hug AND a note or card-- even via email to say- I CARE!). 
It has the potential to create a POWERFUL circle of healing and give honor to cherished emotional memories whether fresh or buried. 
I felt compelled to do this POST not because of my story but because of these BRAVE parents of a dear friend of mine who reflect and share with such authenticity in the midst of tragedy JOYFUL IN HOPE; this is her FIRST Mother's Day without her Anna Joy, miracle baby and I am aching for her and I am in awe of her FAITH & COURAGE to seek Peace that Surpasses Understanding 
I always wanted to be a mom and although I knew a select few who struggled with pregnancy or baby loss; I never thought it'd affect me SO deeply.  At the beginning of my journey into motherhood 9 years ago, May of 2003, just AFTER the celebration of my "first" Mother's Day, a miscarriage at 11 weeks rocked my WORLD and has affected everything about who I am today.  God has blessed me with 3 healthy babies... but my journey has been marked with tremendous struggle with grief, anxiety, denial & depression.
I overflow with gratitude for all the healing that has happened so I can talk about this piece of my story; while I do not feel worthy of these precious gifts while my sisters in community are mourning, I claim it's not a comparison; it's a collaboration of compassion.   
Why NOT help bring brokenness into the "light" and acknowledge that they are NOT alone; God is IN the mess and it's a process; even though you hurt to YOUR CORE. 
Please re-post or share this IF you believe this is important this Mother's Day and YOU want to do this in your "circle" to SHOW you have a heart for mamas & their births! 
Remember the picture is of this mother’s sweet baby’s feet.  Just a reminder that no matter how small you are, your impact can be immeasurable.

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