Monday, May 28, 2012

Moms Share Ideas About Soothing a Fussy Baby

Ideas shared from Baby Center on Soothing a Fussy Baby

"If my baby's still crying after I've changed and fed him, I usually put him in his swing and let him be because it generally means he's overstimulated."

"Giving my baby a massage chills her right out."

"Having a crying baby can take a toll on you when you aren't sleeping much. Learn to be patient and know your breaking point."

"The more upset a mother is, the more upset her baby will get."

"If your newborn is crying a lot and you have no idea what the problem could be, try gas drops."

"I love the quote, 'The baby can't fall off the floor' ..I've been to that point. I just pull out the bottom of the play yard, toss it on the floor, put my son on it, and let him cry it out. He's usually out within five minutes."

"Remind yourself that you can't keep a baby happy all day long. When you don't know what to do, don't think any less of yourself for it. Nobody's perfect and not all babies are the same."

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