about nurturedmama

I have always had an innate inner drive for learning and personal growth.

I’m a natural connector, planner, organizer and nurturer.  In my roles as daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend and training consultant I’ve searched for practical tips & resources that enable me to be my BEST.   I have been richly blessed by compassionate people, authentic community and genuine nurture because of mothering; encouraging me toward life abundant, which is why I’m compelled to connect valued mama resources, share reflective ideas & simple yet nurturing experiences in the midst of the journey. 

In the midst of all these roles, I am captivated by motherhood. For Mamas spend so much time giving to others that they tend to forget to take care of themselves. And I believe if you feel good – grounded, strong and healthy – you can more fully participate in your job as a mother and living your life abundantly to change the world.

 There is no better opportunity than NOW to get the support you need, the understanding you seek, the  deserve and the rhythm that will help you find joy in your life and relationships.

 My vision is to journey with mamas to encourage them in finding nurture from the inside out; in collaboration with some of the absolute best service providers and resources around.  The goal of the blog is to share ideas, connections and experiences that encourage and equip others.   

I have a bachelors degree in Social Sciences from the University of California, Irvine that early on planted seeds of sociology but it’s truly been my personal observations of culture and heart for people that has inspired nurturedmama. 

My national consulting practice in hospitality is about service training programs that coach managers to recruit, hire & train teams to meet desired performance goals.  By combining my professional training with 20+ years of relational and first hand life experience that includes 10 years of home ownership and marriage, 7 years of parenting experience, 3 births and juggling stay at home with PT work.  My vision for my postpartum doula care is to offer a range of supportive care during seasons of transition or to inspire fresh hope into your life, home and relationships.  We have been made for community.

I have taken the Bradley Birth Method classes in preparation for childbirth (http://www.bradleybirth.org/) and I benefitted from having a Doula present during my first birth, inspiring me toward becoming a certified Postpartum Doula via CAPPA http://www.cappa.org/.  Plus, I have been a member of MOPS (http://www.mops.org/) during my mothering journey and been personally involved in small group ministry, womens retreats and served in leadership/care roles as a church elder and ministry support during the last 10 years.

Nurturedmama aims to inspire women to live from the values of their hearts with practical ideas, simple living & beneficial resources.  Whether seeking understanding and nurture that’s personal regarding career, relationships or family systems OR finding a healthier life balance with family, friends and community I look forward to connecting, exploring and listening to help shape your vision toward abundant life. 

nurturedmama: it's ALL about the journey, NOT the destination